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How to Learn About Entrepreneurship

If you are a beginner entrepreneur that interested in starting your online business and
you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you should visit because they can help you to be a successful entrepreneur. The Kauffman Foundation is the largest 30th foundation in the United States and the only large American foundation to focus on entrepreneurship and has more than 12 years of in-depth experience in the field. They build college entrepreneurship because they also focus to improving the education of children and youth.

The Kauffman Foundation is also build
minority entrepreneurship to ensure minority and women entrepreneurs are successful because in the current environment, minorities and women do not keep pace with the general entrepreneurial population. To know more about their activity, you can visit and you can contact them via contact form at their website and you can send them email to:

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
4801 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64110


posted by n.lestari @ 11:53:00 AM,


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