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How The Way To Start Your Own Small Business

If you want to make money but you don't know how the way to make it, you can thought about starting your own business. Because now, so many individuals make the decision to startup their own small businesses and they make profitable for years to come. But, before you making your decision, there are some factors you may first want to take into your consideration, one of those factors is what type of business that you would like to start? If you are serious about starting your own small business, it is advised that you choose something that you know and love.
For instance, if you like to shop accesories, you can start to build your accessories store.

You also need to examine how that business would be operated. For instance, there are many small businesses that are considered locally owned and operated businesses, while others operate solely online. There are also a number of small business owners who choose to have both, a physical location, as well as an online address. If you are interested in having an online store or website, but you don’t know how to make one, you may need to take a web design training class or hire a professional web designer.

If you are planning on running your store by yourself, if you have some family member who may be able to help you, you may not need to hire any additional employees. If the time comes when you need to hire help, you may be required to pay additional insurance or taxes. For more information on this, you are advised to ask about your state’s rules and regulations on small businesses and employment.

Your current financial situation should also be examined, when determining whether or not you should try and startup your own small business. If you currently do not have the financial means needed to start your own small business, you may be able to seek financial assistance. Many financial lenders, including banks and credit unions, may be willing to give you financial backing to get your small business up and running. However, to do this, you often need to show the lender in question that your small business is one that can make a profit, or at least enough money to payback the business loan. The best way to do this is to create a professional business plan for yourself; one that you can show to all loan officers that you end up meeting with.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you will want to take into consideration, when trying to determine if you should start your own small business. Starting your own business may be a lifelong dream of yours, but if your small business dream isn’t thoroughly thought out and planned, it can quickly turn from a dream to a nightmare.


posted by n.lestari @ 10:15:00 PM, ,

Tragedi PageRank Update

Tragedi PageRank Update

Setelah dinanti sekian lama, akhirnya Google PageRank ter-update juga. Dan hasilnya mungkin tidak menggembirakan bagi sebagian besar pihak. Bukannya meningkat, justru banyak situs yang mengalami penurunan nilai PageRank. Hebatnya, kali ini Google tidak tanggung-tanggung. Situs sekelas,, hingga pun dihajarnya.

Yang pertama mengalami penurunan dari PR7 ke PR4, yang kedua dari PR10 ke PR8, dan yang ketiga dari PR7 ke PR5. Cuman situs ini saja yang survive, hihihi, tetap bercokol di PR4.

Bagi saya, peristiwa drop masal PageRank tidak terlalu mengagetkan. Bukan karena saya kenal orang dalam Google, melainkan karena sebelumnya saya sudah mengingatkan akan kemungkinan terjadinya hal ini. Ya, turunnya PageRank adalah hasil dari aturan Google mengenai paid link exchange dimana situs-situs yang menjajakan dirinya untuk dijejali text link
akan mendapatkan penalti dari Google. Silahkan baca artikel saya sebelumnya (link di atas) untuk lebih jelasnya.

Untung Google gak bisa bahasa Indonesia, jadi gak tahu kalo situs ini juga jualan text link, hihihi.

Yang mungkin menjadi masalah adalah, meskipun tidak dalam waktu dekat, Google kemungkinan besar akan mulai memperbesar pengaruh PageRank terhadap perhitungan SERP. Dengan demikian, jika Anda memiliki situs yang benar-benar menggantungkan hidupnya pada mesin pencari, STOP JUALAN TEXT LINK SEKARANG

Terakhir, bagaimana dengan isu PageRate? Kenapa saya belum membahasnya sampai sekarang? Ya karena PageRate hanyalah
sebuah hoax
. Jadi bagi yang sudah sempat tertipu *lirik ke tetangga-tetangga sebelah* kasian deh lu, hihihi. Silahkan baca penjelasan dari pencipta hoax-nya di

Untuk yang terakhir (kali ini beneran terakhir), Anda bisa menggunakan
tool ini untuk mengecek PageRank situs Anda. Bukan promosi karena itu bukan situs saya :)

Artikel ini ditulis oleh Cosa Aranda dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tanggal 24 October 2007. Artikel bebas untuk didistribusikan ulang untuk keperluan
non-komersil selama mencantumkan nama penulis dan sumber artikel serta tidak merubah separuh atau seluruh bagian dari isi.


posted by n.lestari @ 10:08:00 AM, ,