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Tips memotret dengan kamera ponsel

Sekarang sudah banyak beredar handphone dengan fasilitas kamera yang sudah terintegrasi langsung di handphone tersebut. Harganya pun sudah terjangkau oleh kalangan yang ekonominya tidak terlalu tinggi. Dengan harga dibawah 1 juta saja kita sudah bisa mendapatkan 1 buah ponsel dengan fasilitas kamera. Walaupun kualitasnya masih berstatus VGA (masih dibawah 1 megapixel), tapi masih lumayan bagi kita yang hobi jepret - jepret dan mengoleksi foto, bahkan jika kita rajin mencari fitur ponsel kamera, mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan ponsel dengan kualitas kamera berkisar 2 megapixel dengan harga yang murah. Dikarenakan semakin tingginya ukuran megapixel pada suatu kamera maka akan menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang lebih bagus pula, dalam bepergian kita tidak perlu lagi repot repot membawa kamera digital. Cukup membawa ponsel dengan fitur kamera didalamnya setiap orang bisa memotret menggunakan ponsel. Cukup arahkan ponsel ke obyek dan tekan tombol di ponsel lalu…kliikkk…fotopun sudah jadi dan siap dilihat. Memang diakui masalah hasil memang tidak sebagus kamera digital. Yang penting gambarnya terang itu sudah cukup.

Ada beberapa tips untuk anda yang sering menggunakan kamera ponsel. Agar hasilnya bagus…setidaknya tidak kabur (blur).

  1. Saat memotret, pegangan ponsel sebaiknya diusahakan tangan jangan sampai goyang sedikitpun. karena goyangan sedikit saja bisa membuat gambar menjadi blur (kabur). Apalagi di tempat yang gelap, usahakan jangan sampai ada goyangan sedikitpun. Setelah posisi obyek yang akan dipotret sudah pas tekan tombol potret..setelah selesai memotret, jangan langsung menggoyangkan ponsel, biarkan dulu selama 1 atau 2 detik, baru ponsel digoyangkan.
  2. Ada beberapa ponsel yang dilengkapi dengan Lampu Blitz(lampu kilat). Ini sangat membantu jika anda memotret di tempat yang minim cahaya atau gelap, gunakan lampu blitz tersebut saat anda memotret di ruangan yang gelap. jika ponsel anda tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur ini, pinjam saja lampu blitz ponsel atau kamera lain, jadi saat lampu blitz mereka hidup, langsung tekan tombol potret. Ada cara lain yaitu menggunakan modus malam jika ponsel anda mendukung. Seperti contoh pada handphone nokia 6600 yang dilengkapi dengan modus malam, anda dapat memanfaatkan fitur ini. walaupun efeknya akan membuat banyak noise di foto anda dan gambar akan sedikit kabur (blur), tapi setidaknya gambar bisa lebih terang.
  3. Jika anda merasa obyek yang akan dipotret cukup penting, potretlah beberapa kali dengan mode yang berbeda. Seperti mode potrait dan mode scene, dengan memotret lebih dari 1 kali, mungkin salah satu foto yang dihasilkan ada yang bagus.
  4. Jika ponsel anda dilengkapi dengan memori eksternal (memori tambahan) pilihlah memori dengan daya tampungan atau ukuran yang besar supaya bisa menampung lebih banyak foto. Pilihlah kualitas dan resolusi yang paling bagus, walaupun memakan cukup banyak memori tapi hasilnya nanti pasti akan lebih bagus.
  5. Selalu bersihkan lensa kamera (bisa pakai kain atau tisu pembersih lensa), karena jika lensa kamera kotor mengakibatkan foto menjadi buram dan ada noise. Jangan memakai sembarang pembersih, jika salah menggunakan pembersih bisa menyebabkan lensa menjadi lecet dan tergores (scratch).
  6. Saat bepergian jangan lupa membawa charger, karena pemakaian ponsel untuk memotret memakan banyak daya baterai.
  7. Saat anda akan mencetak foto hasil jepretan ponsel, sebisa mungkin edit terlebih dahulu gambar foto di komputer menggunakan software foto editing untuk menyempurnakan gambar - gambar yang menurut anda gelap (menjadikan hasil foto yang lebih baik).
  8. Jika ponsel anda hanya berkualitas VGA, jangan memaksakan untuk mencetak gambar dengan ukuran 3 R atau 4 R, karena akan menghasilkan gambar foto yang kurang bagus, cetak dengan ukuran 2 R maka hasilnya akan terlihat lebih sempurna (menyesuaikan dengan kualitas kemampuan kamera ponsel).



posted by n.lestari @ 6:27:00 AM, No comment,

10 Langkah Meminimalisir Efek Radiasi Ponsel

Ada 10 langkah yang bisa digunakan untuk meminimalisir radiasi yang ditimbulkan oleh telpon genggam.

Langkahnya sebagai berikut:

1. Batasi menggunakan ponsel untuk nelpon, hanya untuk hal-hal penting dan usahakan sesingkat mungkin

2. Bagi anak-anak, hanya perbolehkan mereka menggunakan ponsel dalam keadaan darurat.

3. Gunakan headset airtube bukannya wires headset pada umumnya.

4. Jangan menyimpan ponsel di saku atau ikat pinggang pada saat ponsel dalam kondisi on.

5. Tunggu sampai telepon anda sudah nyambung ke tempat tujuan sebelum mendekatkan ponsel ke telinga

6. Jangan gunakan ponsel di dalam ruangan yang dipenuhi metal/logam seperti kendaraan maupun elevator/lift.

7. Jangan melakukan pembicaraan via ponsel di saat sinyal hanya sampe satu bar atau kurang dari itu.

8. Belilah ponsel dengan kadar SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) yang rendah

9. Gunakan alat proteksi EMF yang resmi.

10. Minum secara rutin suplemen bernutrisi.



posted by n.lestari @ 8:24:00 PM, No comment,

About Hybrid Cars

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posted by n.lestari @ 10:06:00 PM, 1 comment,

Adzab Orang Yang Lalai dalam Sholat

Penulis: Ummu Salamah Farosyah

Muroja’ah: Ustadz Aris Munandar

Allahu Akbar!… Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!… Allahu Akbar!

“Duh! Sudah adzan, sebentar lagi ah shalatnya… tanggung kerjaannya tinggal sedikit lagi.”

“Eh kok adzan? Padahal filmnya lagi seru nih! Nanti saja shalatnya kalau filmnya sudah selesai ah. Tapi waktu shalatnya nanti keburu habis?! Tunggu iklan saja deh kalau begitu, shalatnya juga harus cepat nih.”

Astagfirullah… Astagfirullah… Astagfirullah…

Ketahuilah ukhti bahwa orang-orang tersebut di atas termasuk jenis orang yang melalaikan shalatnya. Perhatikanlah firman Allah, yang artinya
“Maka kecelakaanlah bagi orang-orang yang shalat, (yaitu) orang-orang yang lalai dari shalatnya.”
(QS. Al-Maa’uun: 4-5)

Al-Haafidz Ibnu Katsir rahimahullahu ta’ala berkata, yang dimaksud orang-orang yang lalai dari shalatnya adalah:

  1. Orang tersebut menunda shalat dari awal waktunya sehingga ia selalu mengakhirkan sampai waktu yang terakhir.
  2. Orang tersebut tidak melaksanakan rukun dan syarat shalat sebagaimana yang diperintahkan oleh Allah Ta’ala dan dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
  3. Orang tersebut tidak khusyu’ dalam shalat dan tidak merenungi makna bacaan shalat.

Dan siapa saja yang memiliki salah satu dari ketiga sifat tersebut maka ia termasuk bagian dari ayat ini (yakni termasuk orang-orang yang lalai dalam shalatnya).

Apa Adzabnya ?

Diriwayatkan dalam Shahih Al-Bukhari dari sahabat Samurah bin Junab radhiyallahu ‘anhu sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadits yang panjang tentang sabda Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (dalam kisah tentang mimpi beliau):

“Kami mendatangi seorang laki-laki yang terbaring dan ada juga yang lain yang berdiri sambil membawa batu besar, tiba-tiba orang tersebut menjatuhkan batu besar tadi ke kepala laki-laki yang sedang berbaring dan memecahkan kepalanya sehingga berhamburanlah pecahan batu itu di sana sini, kemudian ia mengambil batu itu dan melakukannya lagi. Dan tidaklah ia kembali mengulangi lagi hal tersebut sampai kepalanya utuh kembali seperti semula dan ia terus-menerus mengulanginya seperti semula dan ia terus-menerus mengulanginya seperti pertama kali.”

Disebutkan dalam penjelasan hadits ini “Sesungguhnya laki-laki tersebut adalah orang yang mengambil Al-Qur’an dan ia menolaknya, dan orang yang tidur untuk meninggalkan shalat wajib.”

Lalu Bagaimana Orang yang Meninggalkan Shalat Secara Mutlak ?

Sesungguhnya orang yang meninggalkan shalat secara keseluruhan hukumnya kafir keluar dari Islam, berdasarkan sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: “Perbedaan antara kita dengan mereka (orang-orang kafir) adalah shalat. Barangsiapa yang meninggalkan shalat maka ia telah kafir.” (HR. At-Tirmidzi -Shahih)

Demikianlah Ukhti, marilah kita bersama-sama berusaha maksimal untuk memperbaiki shalat kita karena ketahuilah bahwa amalan yang pertama akan dihisab oleh Allah di akhirat nanti adalah shalat. Dan kita memohon perlindungan kepada Allah Ta’ala dari kehinaan dan kondisi orang-orang yang di adzab Allah karena lalai dari shalat.

Setelah Maut Datang Menjemput
(Khalid bin Abdurrahman Asy-Syayi’)



posted by n.lestari @ 2:43:00 PM, No comment,

Jangan Berduka

Oleh : Abu Abdil Ghany (Majalah Nabila)

Hati tenang, bahagia, dan hilangnya kegundahan adalah dambaan setiap insan.

Insan yang berakal menurut Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Nashir as-Sa’di Rahimahullah dalam bukunya, al-Wasaailu al-Mufaidah lil Hayatatis Sa’idah mengetahui bahwa kehidupan yang sebenarnya adalah kehidupan yang ia jalani dengan bahagia dan tenang. Kehidupan ini pendek sekali, lanjut Syaikh AAS-Sa’di, maka tak sepantasnya memperpendek dengan kesedihan dan larut dalam kesusahan.

Jika seorang hamba ditimpa musibah atau takut akan sebuah musibah hendaklah membandingkan antara nikmat-nikmat yang ia dapatkan, baik dalam urusan agama atau dunia dengan musibah yang menimpanya. Dengan membnandingkan akan jelas baginya betapa banyak nikmat yang dia dapatkan dan tertutupilah musibah yang menimpanya.

Selanjutnya Syaikh as-Sa’di menyarankan, hendaknya juga membandingkan antara kemungkinan bahaya yang akan menimpanya dengan banyaknya kemungkinan akan dapat selamat darinya. Jangan sampai kemungkinan yang lemah dapat mengalahkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan kuat dan banyak. Dengan demikian, akan hilanglah kesedihan dan perasaan takutnya.

Juga memperkirakan hal paling besar yang dapat menimpanya, kemudian menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi bila memang terjadi, berusaha mencegah apa-apa yang masih belum terjadi dan menghilangkan atau paling tidak meminimalisir musibah yang sudah terjadi.

Bila Tak Kesampaian

Bila seseorang dihadapkan dengan ketakutan , sakit, kekurangan atau tidak tercapai keinginannya, hendaklah dihadapi dengan tenang dan kesiapan mental, bahkan dia harus siap menghadapikeadaan yang lebih berat sekalipun, sebab, kesiapan mental dalam menghadapi musibah akan mengecilkan musibah tersebut dan menghilangkan bobotnya. Terutama bila dia berusaha melawan sesuai kemampuan, sehingga dapat memadukan antara kesiapan mental dan usaha maksimal yang dapat mengalihkan perhatian dari musibah yang akan dating. Dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah selalu memperbarui kekuatan menghadapi musibah disertai dengan tawakkal dan yakin kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala.

Jika hati bersandar kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala, bertawakal kepada-Nya, tidak menyerahkan pada prasangka-prasangka buruk juga tidak dikuasai khayalan-khayalan negative, yakin serta sungguh-sungguh berharap atas karunia Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala, maka akan terusirlah perasaan sedih dan hilanglah berbagai macam penyakit fisik dan jiwa.

Akan dicukupkan

Hati bisa mendapatkan kekuatan, kelapangan dan kebahagiaan yang tak bisa diungkapkan. Banyak rumah sakit yang penuh dengan pasien yag sakit karena prasangka-prasangka buruk dan khayalan-khayalan menyesatkan. Banyak orang yang kuat hatinya tapi masih terpengaruh dengan hal tersebut, apalagi orang yang memang kemah hatinya. Dan betapa sering hal tersebut menyebabkan kedunguan dan kegilaan, kata Syaikh as-Sa’di. Orang yang sehat dan selamat adalah yang diselamatkan oleh Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala dan diberi-Nya taufik untuk berusaha mendapatkan faktor-faktor yang bias menguatkan hatinya dan mengusi kegelisahannya.

“Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah niscaya Allah akan mencukupkannya”. (Ath-Thalaq: 3).

Artinya Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala akan mencukupkan untuknya semua apa yang dia butuhkan dari urusan agama dan dunianya.

Maka orang yang bertawakal kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala, hatinya kuat. Tidak dapat dipengaruhi prasangka-prasangka buruk, tidak dapat digoncang oleh peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi, sebab dia tahu hal itu termasuk indikasi lemahnya jiwa dan perasaan takut yang tidak beralasan. Dia tahu, Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala akan menjamin sepenuhnya orang yang bertawakal kepada-Nya, dia yakin kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’Ala dan tenang karena percaya akan janji-Nya. Dengan demikian, hilanglah duka dan gelisah. Kesulitan berubah menjadi kemudahan, kesedihan menjadi kegembiraan dan perasaan takut menjadi keimanan.

Diketik ulang oleh : Ummu ‘Umar dari Majalah Nabila (2004)



posted by n.lestari @ 9:21:00 AM, No comment,

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posted by n.lestari @ 11:12:00 PM, No comment,

What is Homeschooling

The term 'homeschooling' basically refers to the process in which one or more children of not more than two families are instructed by parents or legal guardians, or a member of either household. For most children, the actual process of learning begins much before school. Many children already know their alphabets, the names of animals, colors and other more complicated stuff before they reach school. This is mostly due to the hard work of a member of the family who has taken the time to teach the child. Homeschooling is just a natural progression from here. Instead of sending their children to a public school, parents make their own curriculum and teach their children in ways that best suit the child. This is homeschooling, in its most simplistic form.

Before you decide to go in for homeschooling, there are certain important matters for consideration. First off, meet with parents of other homeschoolers. Find out the pros and cons of homeschooling. Then ask yourself why you would want to adopt this method. This is a very important aspect, as the success of the program depends on the clarity and sincerity of your purpose.

Next, it is time to consider the expenses of homeschooling. It may cost anywhere between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand every year. More importantly, you are also effectively shutting out any job opportunity for one of the parents. It is only obvious that one parent will have to stay at home full time to manage the homeschool. A home-based business however is a great alternative.

Are you qualified to take on homeschooling for your children? Teaching is a continuation of your own learning process. With the advent of the internet, information is aplenty. There are various books and resources for those interested in homeschooling. Go through the various methods of homeschooling and choose one that is most suited to you. It helps if you know what kind of learning style your child has. Also, find out what your child feels about homeschooling before you start.

Homeschooling may seem like a lot of fun and freedom from the outside. However, things are seldom as simple as they seem. Homeschooling is a lot of added responsibility and hard work. But, if successful, it will forge a strong bond of love and respect between parent and child, while providing your child with the best form of education he needs.


posted by n.lestari @ 8:28:00 PM, No comment,

Maintaining Discipline in Homeschooling

When the child stays at home all day, and mommy is the teacher, there are certain issues of discipline at stake. It is easy for the child to misconstrue the freedom he has at home and feel that homeschooling is just a long summer holiday. This is a potential landmine and children need to be disciplined right at the start.

Homeschooling gives you and your child a truly immense amount of flexibility. You and your child decide where to learn, how much to learn and when to learn. But,these should be decisions made at the beginning stages. If your child is too little to take an active part in the decision, chart out a few hours of the day for the various activities, and stick to it. When there is no outside agency to supervise and no exams to answer, it is easy to get sidetracked. If your child is old enough, consult him and find out when he wants to learn. Apply your parental discretion and come up with a timetable.

Homework is also a part of homeschooling. What this means is that once lessons have been taught, the child should be asked to do some part of the course work by himself without your guidance. You will need to make sure that your child sits willingly and finishes his work.

Homeschooling is doomed to fail without patience. In spite of all the precautions and steps one takes, it is easy for a child to get familiar' at homeschool. At such times, it may be difficult to discipline the child and get him to listen to you attentively. When this happens, switch to something new. Allow the child to take a breather and enjoy a break yourself.

Homeschooling is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work and patience. The very informality of the whole procedure sometimes works against it by making it too easy. If you take steps to establish rules at the very beginning and adhere to these rules, your homeschooling experience will be a huge success.


posted by n.lestari @ 4:12:00 PM, No comment,

The Ultimate Guide to The World of Gadgets

Do you ever want to buy
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posted by n.lestari @ 10:50:00 AM, No comment,

What is Podcast Video?

A growing trend online is podcast video. While podcasting was originally only for audio files, more people are beginning to send video, especially with broadband connections more accessible. To podcast video, content distributors enclose it in a web syndication file that users can download and view when they want. Users subscribe to the different files, checking them for updates regularly, and download the new offers when they become available. Each file is often referred to as an episode, and may be part of a video blog or vlog.

Podcast video, and other types of podcasting are thus part of the blogging revolution. Individuals and groups around the world, with a small investment in equipment and time, can become content producers. Because it is so simple to use and cheap to set up, many people are getting involved. They can podcast video around the world, becoming producers and directors for any small niche they want to exploit.

Many of these podcasters have small audiences that download their podcast video, but larger groups are getting involved. News organizations and websites that serve massive audiences are discovering that podcasting and podcast video can distribute their content to millions of people easily. These groups have found that podcasting video is yet another way to distribute their news and information. Since podcasting is so easy to use, it's likely that even more people will start using podcast video.


posted by n.lestari @ 3:20:00 PM, No comment,

Cheap Cellular Phone

Cellular phones now became a very essential tool for everyone including parents who want to know where their kids are on a real time basis. Business executives do business more effectively with a multi-functional cellular phone. Even teenagers need cellular phones. Thus, cellular phones of various models and designs now flood the market. There are those cellular phones that can perform many different functions but there are also those basic telephones that come in cheap.

Because of this great need and want for cellular phones, manufacturers flood the market from cheap cellular phones to high-tech cellular phones. If you can afford high-tech cellular phones, that is good for you, however, if you want or need a cellular phone but cannot afford high-tech cellular phones, then you may acquire a cheap cellular phone. Knowing what you need and how you need it may help you find a cellular phone with reasonable and useful features. If you are to buy a cheap cellular phone, you should never expect it to perform tasks a high tech cellular phone can give. Merely being able to send and receive calls may be enough for you to expect from your cheap cellular phone. Cellular phones especially cheap cellular phones may only give you basic communication capabilities. Having to send and receive call which is the basic function of a cellular phone may be the only functions if can offer. Thus, you need to check the reception of your cheap cellular phone, since this is the only thing it is good for, it has to perform well enough for this basic function. Sending and receiving text messages may be available for cheap cellular phone however, only on a limited basis. If your can find a cheap cellular phone that has text messaging capacity, it will be better for you. Sending and receiving internet communication may not be available for cheap cellular phone; you do not need it as much anyway.

If you can afford cellular phone plan that provide free cellular phones, you may choose a cellular phone plan that will provide free cellular phone with reasonable and advanced features. Various network companies offer this wonderful promotion and thus you may take advantage of owning a good quality cellular phone. If you can find a neat deal from a cellular phone plan, you may not need to content yourself with cheap cellular phones.


posted by n.lestari @ 8:33:00 AM, No comment,

Build Your Own Carport

Carport is very important part to protect your vehicle from the wind, the rain and from the heat of the sun. Now you can build
metal carport
or steel carport by yourself with quick and easy construction. You can buy all strongest quality steel buildings kits to build your carport at SteelMaster. You can choose several carport designs they provide. They have over 40 years experience of design, engineering and manufacturing. They are the producer of the strongest quality steel buildings in the world so you can trust to buy all steel building kits you need here.

You can call them at 1-800-341-7007 and consult with their world-class Customer Service Representatives. They will answer your questions competently and quickly. Over 30,000 customers are very satisfied with their company and you can visit to read testimonials from some of their customers.


posted by n.lestari @ 1:16:00 PM, 2 comments,

Vitamin dan Mineral untuk Cegah Depresi

Makanan yang kaya akan asam lemak omega-3, seperti kacang-kacangan serta minyak ikan misalnya ikan salmon, ikan tuna, trout, dan makarel, juga dinilai bermanfaat untuk mengurangi depresi. Penelitian Dr. Andrew Stoll pada tahun 1999 menunjukkan bahwa pasien depresi yang mengonsumsi asam lemak omega-3-secara teratur akan memiliki tingkat depresi yang lebih rendah.

Dalam penelitian yang dipublikasi pada November 20022 dilaporkan bahwa pasien depresi yang tidak mempan obat, bisa sangat berkurang gejalanya setelah mendapat asupan omega-3. Joseph Hibbeln, seorang peneliti medis senior, menemukan bahwa penduduk Finlandia yang mengonsumsi ikan laut minimal dua kali seminggu mengalami penurunan risiko depresi sebesar 50 persen.

Makan nasi juga dapat mengurangi depresi. Karbohidrat memicu lepasnya hormon insulin ke aliran darah. Hormon itu membersihkan darah dari asam amino, kecuali triptofan yang merupakan cikal bakal serotonin.

Serotonin merupakan neurotransmitter yang mampu mengurangi rasa nyeri, mengendalikan selera makan, dan memberikan rasa tenang. Serotonin banyak terdapat pada cokelat, sehingga bagi penderita depresi, cokelat merupakan pilihan yang baik.

Seiring dengan meningkatnya tuntutan hidup, khususnya bagi mereka yang tinggal di kota besar, angka depresi setiap tahun cenderung meningkat. Tentunya kita masih ingat kejadian memilukan di Kota Malang, ketika seorang ibu tega membunuh anak-anaknya yang masih kecil dengan racun dan akhirnya bunuh diri akibat depresi karena himpitan ekonomi.

Faktor risiko yang dapat mendorong seseorang melakukan bunuh diri adalah gangguan jiwa, kondisi ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan yang buruk, peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyebabkan stres, dan depresi.

Depresi sebagai faktor risiko bunuh diri pun harus diwaspadai. Berbagai tekanan dalam kehidupan ini, dapat menjadi pemicu depresi. Dr. Suryo Dharmono, Sp.KJ, dari Departemen Psikiatri FKUI, pernah memaparkan bahwa depresi sering dipakai secara luas untuk menggambarkan suasana serba susah, penderitaan berkepanjangan, krisis kehidupan, keterpurukan sosial, dan berbagai situasi bernuansa muram lainnya.

Gangguan Tidur

Istilah depresi dalam ilmu kesehatan jiwa digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kondisi gangguan jiwa yang secara klinis tampil dalam bentuk suasana perasaan murung, kehilangan gairah hidup, lesu, pesimis atau putus asa, serta kehilangan rasa percaya diri, disertai berbagai keluhan fisik atau somatis, seperti berat badan turun, disfungsi seksual, dan gangguan tidur.

Depresi dapat menyebabkan gangguan tidur karena terganggunya efektivitas kerja melatonin, yaitu substansi kimiawi yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar otak yang mengatur jam tidur seseorang. Melatonin juga bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan yang akan menangkal serangan radikal bebas. Stres menyebabkan antioksidan melatonin tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik. Tidak mengherankan, proses penuaan dini lebih cepat mendera orang depresi.

Depresi adalah gangguan jiwa yang paling lazim dijumpai di masyarakat. Prevalensinya cukup tinggi, berkisar 5-10 persen, kejadian pada perempuan dua kali lebih banyak daripada pria. Kelompok remaja dan usia lanjut lebih rentan menderita depresi.

Survei Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) di 14 negara (1990) memperlihatkan bahwa depresi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang mengakibatkan beban sosial nomor empat terbesar di dunia. Prediksi WHO tentang penderita depresi penduduk dunia dalam dua dekade mendatang lebih dari 300 juta orang. Pada tahun 2020 depresi akan menempati masalah kesehatan nomor dua terbesar di dunia setelah penyakit kardiovaskular.

Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, depresi harus mendapatkan perhatian serius. Kita harus bisa membedakan orang yang mengalami depresi ringan dan berat. Dr. Irmansyah, Sp.KJ, dari Departemen Psikiatri FKUI menyatakan bahwa orang dengan depresi ringan masih tetap bisa bekerja.

Namun, jika orang tersebut menderita depresi berat, biasanya ia lebih senang mengurung diri, tidak bisa bekerja atau sekolah, tidak bisa makan, tidak melakukan aktivitas apa-apa, bahkan timbul gejala psikotik seperti suara-suara yang menjelekkan dirinya.

Bunuh diri dan depresi bahkan dapat dialami oleh anak-anak SD. Tuntutan sekolah yang demikian tinggi dan keluarga yang berantakan, seringkali menjadi pemicunya. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 39.000 orang, ditemukan bahwa kemurungan, kelesuan yang melumpuhkan, rasa ditolak, keputusasaan, dan keinginan bunuh diri, belakangan ini dialami masyarakat pada rentang usia yang semakin muda.

Makanan Antidepresi

Apa hubungan depresi dengan makanan? Orang yang dalam keadaan depresi cenderung mempunyai kadar adrenalin lebih tinggi dibandingkan orang biasa. Adrenalin akan memberikan tambahan energi untuk mengatasi persoalan yang dihadapi. Meningkatnya kadar adrenalin akan memakai zat gizi yang disimpan di dalam tubuh kita.

Tingginya tingkat depresi akan menghabiskan persediaan zat gizi dan meninggalkan sedikit sisa untuk keperluan tenaga seharihari. Itulah sebabnya orang yang depresi mudah sekali mengalami kelelahan. Peran makanan untuk membantu seseorang mencegah dan mengatasi depresi sangat penting. Banyak orang ketika mengalami frustrasi, selera makannya meningkat.

Hal itu berdampak cukup baik karena kebutuhan energi dan gizi orang yang mengalami depresi jauh lebih tinggi. Selain itu, beberapa jenis makanan dikenal dapat memengaruhi fungsi otak, yang disebut neurotransmitter. Itulah sebabnya beberapa jenis makanan dapat menyebabkan perasaan menjadi lebih tenang dan mengurangi depresi.

Lalu, makanan seperti apa yang baik bagi penderita stres? Kita tidak perlu membayangkan makanan tersebut harus dibeli di hotel berbintang lima atau restoran mahal karena sesungguhnya makanan tersebut sangat akrab dengan keseharian kita.

Vitamin dan Mineral

Makanan yang baik untuk penderita depresi adalah yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral. Makanan yang direkomendasikan untuk penderita depresi antara lain buah-buahan, sayuran hijau, susu, kacang-kacangan, dan ikan.

Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran sangat penting bagi penderita karena kaya akan vitamin C. Sebuah penelitiara di Amerika pada sejumlah narapidana menunjukkan bahwa tekanan emosional mereka berkurang setelah diberi asupan vitamin C secara teratur. Vitamin C juga dapat membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang berkurang akibat depresi.

Ketika depresi sebaiknya kurangi kebiasaan merokok. Konsumsi 1,5 bungkus rokok akan mengurangi asupan vitamin C tubuh hingga 30 persen. Padahal, dalam kondisi depresi, kehadiran vitamin C sangat dibutuhkan untuk meringankan hal tersebut. Sayuran seperti bit, bayam, bok choy, kubis, brokoli, kacang-kacangan (misalnya kacang kedelai), dan lentil, juga dapat membantu meringankan depresi.

Kandungan asam folat di dalam sayuran tersebut mampu menurunkan kadar homosistein yang dihubungkan dengan kejadian depresi. Zat gizi seperti niasin dan selenium juga dapat membantu mengatasi depresi. Niasin merupakan salah satu vitamin B kompleks yang dapat memperbaiki fungsi sel saraf, sehingga mengurangi rasa cemas atau panik. Sumber niasin adalah beras merah, ayam, tuna, daging kambing, gandum, dan buah delima.

Kekurangan selenium membuat seseorang mudah cemas, uring-uringan dan depresif. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, mereka cukup mengonsumsi kacang-kacangan, tuna, gandum, atau beras. Mineral lain yang berfungsi penting mengatasi gangguan kecemasan dan depresi adalah magnesium. Mekanismenya melalui pengurangan ketegangan otot. Magnesium bisa didapat dari bayam, cokelat, biji labu, biji bunga matahari, kerang, dan alpukat.

Alkohol Sebabkan Halusinasi

Tidak sedikit orang memilih mabuk dengan mengonsumsi alkohol untuk melupakan semua masalah yang dialami. Alkohol memang dapat mengurangi kegelisahan. Alkohol dapat bekerja sebagai obat penenang atau depresan. Namun, efek kronis alkohol dapat menyebabkan depresi tingkat berat.

Alkohol diserap langsung oleh usus halus dan dapat mencapai sel otak, akibatnya komunikasi dalam sel otak menjadi buruk dan kita jadi sulit konsentrasi. Ketergantungan terhadap alkohol dalam jangka panjang dapat mengubah fungsi jiwa, sehingga orang mudah mengalami halusinasi. Alkohol juga tidak baik bagi kesehatan. Alkohol dapat memperlambat produksi enzim yang diperlukan untuk mencerna makanan, terutama lemak.

Alkohol juga menghabiskan persediaan vitamin C, asam folat, vitamin B kompleks lainnya, zat seng, dan vitamin A dalam tubuh. Alkohol memperberat kerja hati untuk bisa berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Satu gelas minuman beralkohol sesekali memang dapat digunakan untuk menenangkan perasaan dan meningkatkan selera makan. Hal itu tidaklah berbahaya. Namun, kebiasaan minum alkohol dalam jumlah banyak, tentu dapat membahayakan kemampuan tubuh untuk mengurangi stres.

Cara Makan Ciptakan Suasana Jiwa

Cara makan juga memengaruhi efektivitas makanan untuk mengurangi depresi. Konsumsi makanan secara perlahan-lahan untuk menciptakan suasana rileks psikologis, yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak positif bagi saluran pencernaan. Nikmati makanan yang tersaji dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Cara makan yang terburu-buru akan menyebabkan makanan tidak tercerna secara mekanis dengan baik. Pencernaan mekanis yang kurang sempurna di mulut akan menyebabkan lambung harus bekerja keras mencerna makanan yang masih kasar tetapi sudah tertelan melalui kerongkongan.

Makan sebaiknya jangan berlebihan. Sistem pencernaan tubuh tidak dapat bekerja secara optimal bila kita makan terlalu banyak. Dalam kondisi depresi, bisa saja seseorang mengalami peningkatan selera makan yang besar. Makanlah sesuai porsi yang biasa dimakan. Jangan memberi target harus makan seberapa banyak atau seberapa sedikit karena hal tersebut akan membuat kita lebih tertekan.

Orang yang menderita obesitas cenderung mengalami depresi lebih besar. Lingkungan di sekitarnya yang masih memandang "langsing itu indah" dan "langsing itu sehat" akan menempatkan orang gemuk dalam posisi sulit.

Ketika mereka berdiet, depresi akan semakin meningkat karena orang gemuk biasanya makan akibat rangsangan eksternal, seperti adanya aroma makanan atau melihat makanan yang merangsang selera. Sementara selera makan orang normal, lebih diakibatkan oleh faktor internal, yaitu munculnya rasa lapar yang mendorong dirinya untuk makan.

Berkurangnya asupan makanan bagi mereka.yang berdiet, dapat menjadi sumber depresi. Hal ini ditambah dengan adanya ketakutan, kalau diet yang sedang dijalankan tidak berhasil menurunkan berat badan.

Batasi Kafein dan Minuman Ringan

Orang yang sedang dirundung masalah sebaiknya menghindari makanan yang mengandung kafein. Kafein ditemukan dalam kopi, teh, minuman kola, cokelat, dan beberapa obat. Kafein berlebih berdampak negatif terhadap stres, bahkan dapat membuat stres semakin buruk.

Kafein adalah zat perangsang yang meningkatkan pengeluaran asam lambung dan hormon tiroid yang dapat menimbulkan kegelisahan. Kafein juga menyebabkan ginjal bekerja lebih keras untuk bertindak sebagai diuretik (menyebabkan sering buang air kecil).

Zat perangsang ini dapat menghalangi penyerapan zat besi jika dikonsumsi bersama dengan makanan atau satu jam setelah makan. Orang sering mengonsumsi kafein untuk menambah tenaga secara cepat. Ini adalah pandangah yang keliru karena sebenarnya kafein meletihkan kelenjar adrenalin dan akhirnya akan membawa efek yang melelahkan.

Hindari juga minuman ringan. Minuman ringan mengandung fosfor yang juga dapat menetralkan asam hidroklorida di dalam lambung. Akibatnya, pencernaan dapat terganggu yang akhirnya memperparah tingkat depresi.

Hindari pula makanan yang mengandung bahan pengawet dan bahan ber-MSG (peningkat cita rasa) tinggi. Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung MSG dan natrium tinggi dapat memicu hipertensi dan membuat orang sulit untuk berpikir jernih.

Dalam kondisi depresi, gangguan lambung seringkali terjadi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saluran pencernaan memang perlu lebih diperhatikan ketika kita sedang mengalami gangguan emosional. Karena itu, makanan-makanan yang berpotensi mendatangkan iritasi lambung sebaiknya dikurangi seperti makanan berlemak tinggi, makanan pedas, makanan asam (acar dan buah muda), serta daging setengah matang.

Konsumsi makanan yang manis-manis (bergula) tinggi sebaiknya dihindari. Konsumsi makanan manis akan menghabiskan vitamin B kompleks dalam tubuh karena konversi gula menjadi energi membutuhkan kehadiran vitamin B. Orang-orang yang menderita defisiensi vitamin B1 akan mengalami gangguan sistem saraf dan memunculkan gejala-gejala kelelahan dan mudah terusik.

Sumber: Senior


posted by n.lestari @ 8:42:00 AM, No comment,

Safety Your Child With Child Safety Product

Child safety products are designed to prevent children from getting at any dangerous when they are doing their activity at home. Many types of child safety products like child safety lock, baby furniture, kitchen safety, bathroom safety, and many more child safety products you should buy to keeping your baby or children safe at home.

You can purchase child safety product at some baby equipment stores in your town. But maybe you don't have much time your time to find all products you need. As alternative you can buy all child safety products on the internet to save your valuable time. I recommend you to visit Kidsafeinc, they offer the largest online selection of quality baby proofing items and home safety tips. They provide all types of child safety products. You can browse by categories or by brand to find the products that suitable for your need. You can visit their blog too to read some articles and tips about baby proofing and child safety.


posted by n.lestari @ 9:42:00 PM, 11 comments,

Why You Should Post Your Resume

When applying for a job, through an online career hunting or job hunting website, the application process will all depend on the website in question. In most cases, you will be required to fill out a small form. That form may ask your full name, your address, your telephone number, as well as a little bit of information about your work experience and the education that you received. In addition to this information, which in a way resembles a standard job application, you will need to attach your resume. Many career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to upload your resume to their system or have you create a new one in their system. This resume is what will basically determine if you get an interview; therefore, it is important that you always make sure to attach a resume when applying for a job online, even if the employer in question only says that one is optional.

Although it is advised that you attach a resume whenever applying for a job, especially online, there are many job hunting or career hunting websites that allow you to do more than that. For instance, many also allow you to post your resume online or make it searchable; searchable to employers who use the website in question. What does this mean for you? It means that you and your resume could get exposure without you having to do any work yourself. The simple uploading of your resume, the clicking of the searchable box, and you should be good to go. As a reminder, most career hunting or job hunting websites do not make your resume available to the general public, just the employers who use their services; therefore, you shouldn’t have to worry about your resume falling into the wrong hands.

As previously stated, uploading your resume to a job hunting or career hunting website and making it searchable may be help you land a job or at least an interview with little or no work on your part. This is because many employers actually find it easier to search for the perfect candidates themselves, instead of having to go through hundreds or thousands of resumes and job applications, many from those whose are not even qualified for the job in question anyways. So, that is why it is important that you have your resume posted and made viewable by employers on career hunting or job hunting websites. You never really know who may come across your resume or what type of job they will offer you.


posted by n.lestari @ 12:13:00 PM, 1 comment,

Should You Pay to Get Access to Job Listings?

If you are currently unemployed, you may actually be desperate for a job, especially if you have a family to support or bills that need to be paid. When it comes to finding job listings, especially online, you may find many websites that want you to pay to gain access to their information. When it comes to paying for job listings, the decision is yours to make, but it is important that you know that you don’t have to do so. There are a number of different ways that you can get access to an unlimited number of job listings free of charge. As previously stated, the decision as to whether or not you want to pay to gain access to job listings is yours to make, but you are advised against paying for information that you should be able to get free of charge.

There are also websites, which can be found online, that are sometimes referred to as careering hunting or job hunting websites. Two of these websites include and These websites and many other similar ones are free to use and register for. They not only allow you to search through available job listings and apply for any jobs that you want to, but may also allow you to post your resume on their systems. By doing this, employers, who are looking for applicants themselves, are able to come across your resume, without you actually having to apply for the job.

Many of the online websites that request that you pay to gain access to their information don’t always allow you to apply for the jobs in question directly through their websites, like most career hunting or job hunting websites do. Sometimes, you aren’t even given information on to how contact the company in question! This is because these types of websites, the ones that want you to pay, unlike the above mentioned career hunting or job hunting websites, do not work directly with hiring employers.

As a reminder, the decision as to whether or not you want to pay for job listings is yours to make, but you are advised against doing so. In fact, what you may not realize is that some of the websites that ask you to pay to gain access to their information are like scams. Many of these individuals running these websites find the information for their sites online, without paying a dime. With a small amount of time and work, you should be able to do the same.


posted by n.lestari @ 6:08:00 AM, No comment,

Planterixchange, an Easy Place to Buy Planters Online

Gardening has become one of the most popular hobbies, and you probably know a gardener that would love a gardening gift for their upcoming special occasion. There are hundreds of gardening gifts to buy and the great thing about gardening gifts are they can be bought just about anywhere: feed store, farmer’s market, even your local planters store. But if you do not have much time to shop at your local planters store, it better if you buy online via internet at online planters shop likes is the marketplace for planters and curbside decor. If you would like to give a gardening gift for your friend, family, or your special person, you can buy gift certificates there. They provide so many kinds of planters, like indoor planters, outdoor planters, garden planters, window box planters, high end planters, and decorative planters.

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posted by n.lestari @ 9:15:00 PM, 1 comment,

Syukur dan Sabar

Hidup seorang muslim hendaknya selalu berada pada dua hal: hal bersyukur dan sabar. Jika ia sehat, ia bersyukur dan gunakan kesehatannya untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang bermanfaat. Sebaliknya, jika sakit, ia ikhlas dan bersabar sambil terus menerus berusaha mengobatinya, disertai dengan sikap tawakal pada Allah. Ia sadar, Allah-lah zat yang mampu menyembuhkan penyakitnya.

Dalam kaitan ini Allah berfirman :

" (Yaitu Tuhan) Yang telah menciptakan aku, maka Dia-lah yang memberi petunjuk. Dan Tuhanku, Yang Dia memberi makan dan minum kepadaku. dan apabila aku sakit, Dia-lah Yang menyembuhkan aku. Dan Yang akan mematikan aku, kemudian akan menghidupkan aku (kembali). Dan Yang amat kuinginkan akan mengampuni kesalahanku pada hari kiamat." - Asy Syu'araa'; 26: 78 -82.

Oleh karenanya berobat termasuk salah satu perintah dalam ajaran Islam. Rasulullah bersabda : "Setiap penyakit ada obatnya, maka berobatlah kamu sekalian, tetapi jangan berobat dengan sesuatu yang diharamkan" Di samping itu ada hal yang perlu diingatkan, untuk tidak berobat ke dukun mistik, paranormal yang mengerti ilmu gaib.

Dalam sebuah hadist, Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam bersabda : "Barangsiapa yang mendatangi dukun peramal (kahin), maka sungguh dia telah kufur kepada apa (Al Qur'an) yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam"

Rasulullah sendiri tidak mampu meramalkan yang gaib, yang akan terjadi pada dirinya. Allah berfirman: " Katakanlah aku tidak berkuasa menarik kemanfaatan bagi diriku dan tidak pula menolak kemudaratan, kecuali yang dikehendaki Allah. Dan sekiranya aku mengetahui yang gaib, tentulah aku membuat kebajikan sebanyak-banyaknya dan aku tidak akan ditimpa kemudaratan. Aku tidak lain hanyalah pemberi peringatan, dan pembawa berita gembira bagi orang-orang yang beriman." - Al-A'raaf ; 7: 188

Penyakit itu kadang kala datang dengan tiba-tiba, sementara penyembuhannya kadangkala membutuhkan waktu lama. Tidak ada sikap yang perlu dipegang selain bersabar dan bertawakal kepada Allah SWT.

Rasulullah bersabda : "Jauhilah olehmu segala yang diharamkan, maka pasti engkau akan menjadi orang yang paling taat beribadah. Bersikaplah ridha terhadap segala apa yang telah Allah tetapkan kepadamu." (HR. Imam Ahmad dari Abu Hurairah)

Dalam hadist lain Rasulullah bersabda pula : " Aku bangga dengan seorang muslim, jika menimpa kepadanya suatu musibah ia ikhlas dan bersabar. Jika mendapatkan kebaikan, ia memuji Allah dan bersyukur. Sesungguhnya muslim itu pada segala aktivitasnya selalu akan mendapatkan pahala dari Allah sekalipun pada sesuap nasi yang ia masukkan ke dalam mulutnya." (HR Imam Baihaqi dari Sa'ad)

Disamping kesabaran dan ketabahan, juga harus memiliki sikap husnu-zhan (berbaik sangka) kepada Allah SWT. Apa yang terjadi pada si sakit adalah kebaikan buat dirinya.

Rasulullah bersabda : "Aku bangga dengan orang mukmin, sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidaklah menetapkan suatu keputusan, kecuali akan berakibat baik kepadanya." (HR Ibnu Hibban dari Anas)

"Aku heran dengan mukmin yang gelisah menghadapi penderitaan sakitnya. Jika ia mengetahui sesuatu (pahala) yang terdapat pada sakitnya, ia pasti akan mengharapkan sakit tersebut sehingga bertemu dengan Allah SWT." (HR Thabrani dari Ibn Mas'ud)

Berbaik sangka kepada Allah akan melahirkan persangkaan baik pula kepada sesama manusia. Prinsip semacam inilah yang akan melahirkan sikap saling mengerti, saling memahami, senasib sepenanggungan, saling merasakan (empati), serta suka dan duka dirasakan bersama.Menjenguk orang yang sakit adalah puncak dari rasa persaudaraan yang harus dimiliki dan dikembangkan oleh setiap muslim. Tiada iman tanpa ukhuwah (rasa persaudaraan) yang mendalam.

Rasulullah bersabda : " Engkau lihat orang-orang mukmin dalam sayang menyayanginya, saling mencintai dan saling mengerti, adalah seperti satu tubuh. Apabila satu anggota tubuhnya sakit, maka yang lainnya akan merasakan pula panas dan demamnya." (HR Ahmad dari Abu Umamah).

K.H. Didin Hafidhuddin, M.Sc.

-Sakit Menguatkan Iman-


posted by n.lestari @ 6:41:00 AM, 1 comment,

Fakta Tentang Susu

Lemak susu tidak membahayakan tubuh. Hanya 35 persen yang diduga menaikkan kolesterol. Sebesar 65 persen tidak memiliki efek buruk pada kesehatan seperti asam lemak inoleat terkonjugasi pada lemak susu berfungsi menghambat pembentukan tumor, menurunkan beberapa resiko degeneratif dan kronis (kanker, hipertensi, diabetes) dan meningkatkan sistem pertahan tubuh. Sedangkan asam butirat pada lemak susu memiliki daya cerna tinggi dan sebagai anti kanker usus besar dan mendukung pertumbuhan bakteri baik (prebioti) yang sumber utamanya adalah lemak susu.

Fesfolipid yang terdapat dalam susu terdiri dari, diantaranya, fosfatidil kolin (lesitin) dan sphingomyelin, fosfatidil inositol dan fosfatidil serin, yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung mukosa usus terhadap bakteri patogen. Fosfolipid ini merupakan bagian terbesar penyusun otak, jaringan saraf, hati, otot, jantung dan sperma berfungsi sebagai antikanker.

Dalam susu terdapat kolesterl sebanyak 13 mg/100 ml (dalam ASI sebanyak 10-140 mg/100 ml). Kolesterol ini sebagai prekursor pembentukan asam empedu, hormon steroid, vitamin D dan otak serta berperan penting dalam sintesis DNA dan pembelahan sel.

Sedangkan arachidonic acid (AA) pada susu adalah prekursor dan asam lemak utama eicosanoid. Docoso hexaenoic acid (DHA) sebagai pembentuk membran dalam proses myekinisasi sistem saraf dan lipida utama dalam otak. AA dan DHA ini berfungsi memelihara fungsi sel-sel otak dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sistem saraf pusat dan sintesis prostaglandin. Gula susu yaitu laktosa memiliki energi 2 kali besar daripada monosakarida dan meningkatkan daya cerna kalsium.

Sumber: Human Health


posted by n.lestari @ 12:17:00 PM, 1 comment,

Online Translation Services

Now we can found many online translation services available on the internet. They provide translations for English to Spanish, English to French, English to German, English to Italian, English to Dutch, English to Arabic, English to Indian, English to Hindi or vice versa. Usually the translation services accept and deliver translations to their clients by email.

I found one translation service website based in New Delhi, India. They provide India translation, Arabic translation, Farsi translation, and translations for West Asian Markets too. They also provide interpretation services and other translations related services. They respond to 95% of all emails from their clients within 1 hours. So, if you need to using their service, you can visit and you can contact them via email, fax or by phone.


posted by n.lestari @ 5:43:00 PM, 1 comment,

Save Money When You Purchase Items Online

These days the concept of online shopping is something most of us with computers are used to. Not only does it offer you the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, you can do it at any hour of the day. If you take the time to compare the prices of what you find in the retail stores or catalogs to what you find online, you can generally find the product for less including shipping.

The downside to this is that you don’t get the instant gratification of taking the item with you the moment you purchase it. Yet for the amount of money you can save when you shop online it is worth waiting for a few days until it arrives at your doorstep. You will also save money in another way if you take the time to read the various reviews about the products you want to purchase. These reviews are written from actual consumers who have used the product. It is definitely worth checking into the quality of a product from the consumer’s point of view rather than just focusing on the advertising you see for that product.

Make sure any online site you are considering making a purchase from is secure. This will help prevent your information from being accessed by hackers or other individuals. With the issue of identity theft being on the rise it is good to take every precaution. It is very simple to find out if a site is secure or not. The address that shows up in your browser for any given webpage will start with http. If there is an “s” after that then the site is secure. If the “s” is missing then you do not want to make your purchase from that site. It is just too risky.

When you get to the checkout portion of the website pay close attention for any boxes that offer you the chance to enter a promotion code. Having this code could help you get a discount on your purchase and save you even more money. Many websites have a promotion code that offers free shipping. You can get the promotion code from exploring the internet or you can contact the site by phone or e-mail.

You are likely to find thousands of sites online that offer the item you want, so take the time to find the right product offered by a reputable website that is secure. Since there is so much competition out there you will find buyers have the upper hand. You can likely find what you want for less than retailers offer it even with the cost of shipping it to you. This is because they have to compete with so many other sites and because they don’t have the same overhead expenses as brick and mortar retailers.

posted by n.lestari @ 5:23:00 PM, No comment,

Berjaga dengan Investasi Emas

Orang tua zaman dulu biasa berinvestasi dalam bentuk emas, baik perhiasan maupun batangan. Investasi fisik lainnya berupa tanah, sawah, dan bangunan. Suatu waktu, jika diperlukan, misalnya untuk naik haji atau membiayai anak sekolah aset itu dicairkan. Untungnya berinvestasi seperti ini adalah mudah dicairkan dan lindung nilainya (hedging) yang cukup baik.

Harga emas cenderung stabil, fluktuasinya tidak jauh berbeda dengan inflasi. Pada tahun 1960-an harga ongkos naik haji saat setara dengan 250-300 gram emas. Sampai kini, ternyata masih sama, ongkos naik haji masih berkisar antara 250-300 gram emas.

Inilah mengapa, investasi emas di zaman sekarang masih tetap menarik. “Jangan taruh semua telur dalam satu keranjang”, jangan berinvestasi hanya pada satu instrumen. Emas bisa menjadi pilihan diversifikasi portofolio investasi. Investasi emas bisa sebagai bumper, jika inflasi meninggi dan instrumen investasi dinilai akan kalah keuntungannya dari inflasi jika dicairkan.

Menurut Ahmad Ghazali, perencana keuangan Safir Senduk dan Rekan, investasi emas sebaiknya hanya sekitar 10-20 % dari total aset seseorang atau keluarga. Komposisi ini disebut paling rasional karena tujuannya bukanlah penumpukkan harta, tetapi memberikan perlindungan nilai dan menjadi benteng pertahanan terakhir pada aset kekayaan.(sharing)



posted by n.lestari @ 2:47:00 PM, No comment,

All About College Credit Cards

College credit cards are the credit cards that have been specially designed for college students. College credit cards are more popularly known as student credit cards. College credit cards allow the students to experience the benefits of credit cards much earlier in their life. Through college credit cards, the college students are able to learn more about credit cards and their use. In fact, for most of the students, their college credit card is their first credit card that acts as a gateway to the world of credit cards. Some other students might have previously used supplementary credit cards linked to their father’s credit card account; however, for such students too, their college credit card is the first one that is truly theirs.

College credit cards are not very different from other types of credit cards in the basic sense; they function in the same way as any credit card would. However, there are some differences, which basically arise from the fact that college credit cards are used by people who have no prior experience with credit cards and who perhaps don’t understand the concept of credit cards completely. Hence, the credit card supplier is at risk with issuing credit cards (college credit cards) to such people whom he is not sure about. Most of the students don’t have a credit history either. In such a case, the supplier of college credit card cannot be sure of receiving the credit card bill payments in time (and even receiving them at all).

To counter such risks, the supplier of college credit card requires the parent of the student to co-sign the college credit card application form as a guarantee. Moreover, the credit limit on college credit cards is generally around $500-$1000 per month, which is lower than what it is for other credit cards. The interest rate or APR on college credit cards is generally higher than that for other credit cards. Again, this is done to dissuade the students from overspending on their college credit card and finally not being able to pay their credit card bills.

College credit cards can help the students in establishing a (good) credit history which is another important benefit that becomes handy when the student needs any type of loan at a later stage in his/her life. So, college credit cards are really something that every student should consider going for.


posted by n.lestari @ 9:35:00 PM, No comment,

Online Credit Repair Service

credit repair
service is used to refer to credit cards that can be obtained even with a bad credit rating. The bad credit repair service provides opportunity to people with bad credit rating to improve their credit rating. In that sense, bad credit repair service act as rescuer for such people. So, bad credit repair service also act as necessary a training ground for people who have not been able to control their spending urge in the past.

There are so many online credit repair services that offer you to repair your bad credit. But you must carefully choose which one of them that you can trust. I recommend you to choose They have been practicing credit repair for over seven years. Thousand of people have been repair their credit through this company. You can read some testimonials from their customers who satisfied using their service.


posted by n.lestari @ 10:46:00 AM, No comment,

Online Credit Card Usage

Online credit card usage is becoming even more popular with more and more e-shops or virtual shops getting setup everyday. The possibility of receiving online credit card payments has given a totally new dimension to shopping. Now, you can not only shop from the comfort of your home, you can even get discounts on these products. This is really amazing. No need to bother about the weather, no need to worry about the traffic jams or any other thing. Just go to an e-shop, select a product, make use of their online credit card payment-acceptance facility to make the payment and be ready to receive the goods at your doorstep. With online credit card processing facility, starting an online business has become just unbelievably easy.

However, there is nothing without pitfalls. One of the pitfalls of online credit card usage is the possibility of online credit card fraud. This online credit card fraud can happen in two ways. The first one is related to the company, on whose website you made online credit card payment for purchase of goods; this company itself could be fraudulent i.e. it could take the online credit card payment from you but not deliver the goods to you. Moreover, they could use the details of your credit card (received through the filling up of online credit card payment form by you) for fraudulent purposes. The second type of fraud is committed by fraudsters who use various softwares to capture the details of online credit card payments. These softwares are popularly known as spyware and these fraudsters as online spies. The spyware works by capturing keystrokes or taking screenshots of whatever you do on your computer and then passes it on to the spy. However, there are anti-spyware softwares available which can be used to counter such spyware.

So, the advent of online credit card usage facility is a boon to us. However, you must exercise caution when making online credit card payments e.g. don’t access your bank accounts or make online credit card payments from internet cafes (unless you are absolutely sure about the credentials of the internet café).


posted by n.lestari @ 7:26:00 AM, No comment,

About Student Loans

Most people agree it is becoming more and more difficult to pay the cost when it comes to getting a college education. Many students are unable to pay for college outright. Student loans is the great program to solve this problem. Student loans provide money for the student to pay for their college educations on a monthly basis and most loans do not require that the student make payments until they have graduated from school. There are three types of loans that are commonly found for college students.
They include federal student loans, federal plus loans, and private student loans.

You can read benefits of private student loans at You can apply online for a NextStudent Private Loan and get a fast preliminary approval. They also provide student loan consolidation programs that offers lowest possible monthly payments flexible repayment programs and with this program, your student loan payments could cut in half. If you want to know more about student loans and the others programs, you can visit and feel free to contact them online via email or call their toll free (800) 299-4639.


posted by n.lestari @ 1:17:00 PM, No comment,

Scholarships are Excellent Source of Financial Aid

If you are getting ready to attend college I'm sure you are wondering how on earth you are going to pay for it. Even graduating high school students are more and more often finding that they need to contribute in some manner to their college educations. Whether you will be taking out student loans, applying for scholarships or grants, or praying for some sort of work study program to come along there are a few things you need to know about financial aid at the college level.

First of all, financial aid can be a tricky beast. For this reason it is best to apply early and keep records of everything you send to the financial aid office. The information age has made things easier on one level and yet has eliminated the personal factor on other levels. However, if you own a personal computer you will find that Internet is an excellent source for financial aid and scholarship information. While the government offers a wide array of financial aid resources, there are many opportunities for you to get an education that do not revolve around government funding. You simply need to spend the time finding them.

Your local community is an excellent resource and a good place to start when it comes to financial opportunities for those preparing to attend college. Civic organizations and local businesses like to give out scholarships to promising students. Many of these have very specific requirements and you should pay close attention that you meet the qualifications before applying. There is no sense in wasting your time and that of the scholarship committee by applying for scholarships for which you do not qualify. Scholarships are preferable to student loans, as they do not need to be repaid. This is one of the most important things you need to understand when seeking financial aid for college. Loans are killers to your income for the first several years after graduation. The fewer loans you can manage to take out for your education the better. They are however there for those who couldn't possibly afford an education without them.

When appying for scholarships remember to read all the instructions carefully, make sure you have all the necessary documentation, and that you have checked and rechecked everything for accuracy and clarity. It takes time to make corrections and they can often be the difference in your being awarded a scholarship and the honor going to another student. Scholarships are by far the best route to go when it comes to applying for financial aid but you should be careful that you aren't placing all your eggs in one basket. Try for multiple scholarships, work-study programs, grants, and if necessary loans in order to achieve your educational goals.


posted by n.lestari @ 7:34:00 AM, No comment,

Great Reasons to Complete your Degree

A university education is one of the best possible ways to insure your earning power upon graduation. There are all kinds of fields and all kinds of majors, some paying higher than others but as a rule, college graduates will earn more money over the course of their lifetimes than those who do not have a college education or degree.

Colleges and universities today are offering more options for students wishing to return to college than ever before. In fact we are seeing an increasing number of college students that are classified as non-traditional students. We are seeing many more adults returning for the education they didn't receive the first time around. It also means that more and more options are becoming available at night and on the weekends for those adults.

If you are thinking of returning to school after years of absence or perhaps attending for the very first time while managing an existing career there is no time like the present in order to do so. Not only will a college education give you greater earning potential in your lifetime it can also qualify you for promotions within the company for which you currently are employed.

The truth of the matter is that you really can't go wrong when it comes to going back to college and getting or finishing your degree. You can increase your earning potential, your promotion potential, and most importantly your self-image. There is something about having a degree that makes you feel better about yourself and your ability to provide for your family. Even if you never actually use your degree for anything other than a plaque on the wall, you will have the knowledge that you accomplished something that only a small percentage of the population ever gets around to completing.


posted by n.lestari @ 10:07:00 PM, No comment,

Car Shipping Service

Car shipping, sometimes called
auto transport
, is the process of hiring an individual or company to drive your car to your eventual destination. When you are preparing to rent a car shipping or auto transport service, you must select an auto transport company that has a good record with consumer affairs and the Better Business Bureau. Take this responsibility seriously and double-check your car shipping company’s reputation and history.

If you want to use car shipping service, you can use National Car Shipping company. They are leaders car shipping from coast to coast. They can deliver in all 50 U.S states and to any destination overseas. They also have the
international car shipping
service. The shipping rates they offer are among the lowest in the industry. They have over 20 years of experience in the auto moving business and all of their transporters are fully insured with primary coverage, so no reason to worry if you have a plan to using their service. You can read the company client's testimonial to make you sure this is a reputable company that you can trust. If you have any questions about their car shipping service, you can call them at (830-625-1095).


posted by n.lestari @ 4:40:00 PM, No comment,